50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd,
Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
MON - FRI : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM


Exciting International Collaboration News from Our BBA Program!

Our esteemed BBA lecturers, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, recently embarked on a remarkable journey to the UK to visit our BBA students participating in a 6-week summer school program 2024 at the University of Liverpool and the University of Sussex. During their visit, our students not only delved into rigorous academic coursework but also engaged in a multitude of activities that enriched their global experience. From exploring the vibrant cultural scenes to networking with peers from around the world, the summer school program offered our students a well-rounded educational adventure. In a notable development, we are thrilled to announce a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Sussex. This partnership provides our BBA students with exclusive discounts for pursuing master’s degree programs at this prestigious institution. Additionally, we are excited to reveal that an MOU with the University of Liverpool is on the horizon, further expanding our international collaboration efforts. These strategic alliances underscore our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional educational and professional growth opportunities for our students. By fostering global connections and providing access to world-class institutions, we continue to pave the way for our students’ success in the international arena….

JUMP Program in Australia 2024

From June 7 to 13th, 2024, the KU BBA International Program conducted its JUMP Program in Australia. Seventeen selected students from the 1st to 4th years participated, accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, Director and Secretary; Mr. Gerald Lim, Lecturer; and Dr. Joefrey B. Geroche, KU BBA International Program Coordinator. During the visit, students explored Australia’s diverse culture by visiting landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House, Darling Harbour, Bondi Beach, and Blue Mountains National Park. They also enjoyed the scenic beauty and wildlife at Koala Park Sanctuary, Questacon Science Museum, and Macquarie University. At Macquarie University, students attended an interactive lecture on customer-centric marketing management strategies by Dr. Darren Kim of Macquarie Business School. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was also signed between the KU BBA International Program, Faculty of Business Administration, and Macquarie University. The signing was led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth for Kasetsart University and Ms. Lee-Ann Norris, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Future Students) for Macquarie University, with witnesses from both institutions. This JUMP Program marked the first visit of our BBA International students to Australia, providing enriching global experiences and establishing a new international…

JUMP Project in Bali, Indonesia, 2024

The KU BBA International Program proudly announces the successful completion of the JUMP Project, held from May 15-18, 2024, in Bali, Indonesia. This enriching cultural and educational exchange involved our students and faculty, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai (Director and Secretary) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth (Chairman of the Board of Directors), explored Indonesia’s rich heritage and engaged in academic pursuits. A key highlight of the visit was a discussion at Udayana University regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to foster future collaborations. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai delivered an insightful lecture on the Business Canvas Model to the university’s economics and BBA students, sharing valuable knowledge and experiences. The journey blended cultural immersion and academic exploration as our students experienced Indonesia’s vibrant culture firsthand. This trip underscores our commitment to global learning and building international academic partnerships.

Jump Program in Taiwan 2024

The KU BBA International Program announced the successful completion of the JUMP Tour Program in Taiwan, which took place from May 12 to 15, 2024. This initiative represented a significant step towards enriching academic partnerships and expanding international exchange opportunities. During the visit, productive discussions were held with I-Shou University to explore avenues for future collaboration and student exchange programs. These interactions served as a cornerstone of KU BBA’s commitment to fostering a global educational environment and providing diverse learning experiences for students. The visit was led by Dr. Eakapat Manitkajornkit, one of the Directors of the KU BBA International Program. In addition to meeting with university officials, the team was honored to visit current exchange students at Yuan Ze University. It was inspiring to witness their academic progress at an institution renowned for its innovative approach to higher education and its role as a benchmark for emerging universities. Anticipation is high for the fruitful outcomes these visits will yield and the continued expansion of international academic networks.

KU BBA Students Navigate Financial Markets with Expertise from Taiwan’s Prof. Bui

On April 20th and 21st, 2024, Assistant Professor Dien-Giau Bui from Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, brought a surge of financial expertise to the KU BBA International Program. Specializing in finance, he conducted a masterclass on “Investment and Factor Investing,” along with a session on the “Behavioral Biases of Retail Investors.” KU students immersed themselves in real investing exercises, guided by Prof. Bui, and gained firsthand experience in market trading. This immersive experience equipped KU’s future financiers with theoretical knowledge and practical market insights.

KUBBAFamilyExpo2024: Teams Triumph in a Showcase of Unity and Enterprise

On April 10, 2024, the BBA KU Family Business Expo became a hub of enterprise and fellowship with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasivimol Meeampol set an inspiring tone; the event showcased the entrepreneurial drive of 16 teams: Pengyau, Pinkdog, Iron Chicken, Bird Come See Wow, ChickanWing, AB, Chippi Chuppa, The Richer, JPFMD Group, Haha, Bonnes Notes, Skyline, Sick Teletubbies, YoLo, Fullhouse, and SampangSaun. These teams represented thriving industries such as Tourism, Medical Devices, Real Estate, and Construction. The intense video promotion competition was adjudicated by a distinguished panel: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth, Mr. Gerald Lim, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usarat Thirathon, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pornlapas Suwannarat, Asst. Prof. Dr. Chutima Waisarayutt, Dr. Eakapat Manitkajornkit, Dr. Panisara Thitatorn, and Dr. Suchanya Saichana. Pengyau triumphed as champions, with Pinkdog and JPFMD Group securing runner-up positions. The expo was more than an event; it was a collaborative effort led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, Mr. Gerald Lim, and second-year Family Business students, fostering a space for networking and potential business collaborations. KU BBA students have united all year, epitomizing the program’s ‘We Are Family’ ethos. As we look forward to the next…

KU BBA Students Gain Insights from Expert-Led CRM Lecture Series

In a recent series of informative lectures, 3rd-year students from the KU BBA International Program immersed themselves in the intricacies of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), guided by Mr. NG Kwan Kiat, Kelvin, an esteemed Academic Director from IACADEMY PTE LTD, Singapore. The three-part series stretched over consecutive Fridays, began with an introduction to CRM implementation on March 22, 2024, enlightening students about the fundamental components and advantages of CRM integration within business operations. Progressing to March 29, the series offered a hands-on approach as students engaged in a CRM case study, scrutinizing the real-life application of CRM tactics in established companies. The concluding lecture on April 5 turned the spotlight on CRM evaluation, where students showcased their analytical skills by dissecting and critiquing the CRM models of various companies they had researched. Mr. Kelvin’s seasoned expertise in management consultancy and his expertise in higher education proved to be a cornerstone of the series, providing students with a wealth of practical knowledge and a global outlook. His contribution was pivotal in bridging academic concepts with their application in the business arena, underscoring the significance of CRM in fostering business success.

KU BBA International Program Embarks on a Transformative Educational Expedition to China (JUMP PROGRAM)

The Kasetsart University (KU) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) International Program is proud to announce the successful completion of the “BBA Jump Project to China.” This prestigious educational initiative occurred from March 18 to March 23, 2024, marking a milestone in the program’s history of fostering international academic relations. The expedition commenced with a hospitable reception at Soochow University. It was there that the esteemed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the KU BBA International Program, together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, Director, Secretary of the KU BBA International Program, and Head of the Management Department at the Faculty of Business Administration, received a warm welcome from Deputy Dean Tai Xu. The engagement provided a fertile platform for intellectual discourse, culminating in constructive dialogues about future student exchange programs, the prospect of visiting professorships, and the potential for joint research endeavors. These discussions are anticipated to enhance the educational experiences of KU students significantly. A pivotal moment of the journey was the exclusive tour of the Volkswagen factory, offering the students a unique and enlightening perspective into the meticulous world of automotive manufacturing. Observing the sophisticated production process up close afforded the students…

KU BBA International Program Hosts Esteemed Audit Director for Insightful Lecture Series

From March 5 to 8th, 2024, it was our honor to welcome Mr. Muhammad Jaseem Khan, Audit Director at Grant Thornton LLP in Boston, USA, to deliver an enlightening series of lectures over four days. Mr. Khan, who has an impressive professional tenure exceeding thirteen years in international accounting, auditing, and financial reporting, imparted his extensive knowledge to the first-year KU BBA International Program students. The scope of the lecture series was extensive, addressing several critical topics, including: -Detailed examination of financial statements and financial ratios -An in-depth discussion on the nuances of property, plant, and equipment, intangible assets, and impairment considerations – Comprehensive analysis of trade receivables and the Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) model Mr. Khan distinguished himself by adeptly weaving his substantial international experience with the theoretical foundations of our academic program. His ability to animate each subject with vivid, real-life examples connected the theoretical underpinnings of accounting with its practical, rapidly evolving landscape. We deeply thank Mr. Khan for sharing his expertise with us. His participation has greatly enriched our academic community, and we eagerly anticipate future engagements of a similar caliber.

Unveiling Japanese Excellence: Professor Hiroo Takahashi Enlightens Kasetsart University’s BBA Program with Dual Lectures on Management and Culinary Globalization

Kasetsart University’s BBA International Program is thrilled to share that our third-year BBA students had the extraordinary opportunity to engage with global business and cultural perspectives through two captivating lectures by the distinguished Professor Hiroo Takahashi. Renowned for his academic contributions to International Management and Business Ethics, and as the former President of the Japan Society for Business Ethics Study (JSBES), Professor Takahashi enriched our students’ educational journey with his deep expertise and experience. The students first attended a lecture on January 25, 2024, entitled “Japanese Management and Human Resource Management.” In this session, Professor Takahashi provided an in-depth analysis of the strategies employed by UNIQLO, offering a comparative study of its global challenges against those faced by ZARA and H&M. This lecture gave our third-year students a profound understanding of the intricacies of international business and the unique management style that Japan is known for. The learning continued on Valentine’s Day. Professor Takahashi returned to deliver his second lecture, “What is the Globalization of Foods – Japanese Origin Foods.” He took the students on an exploratory journey of Japan’s culinary influence worldwide, setting it against the backdrop of American fast-food giants like McDonald’s and KFC. He discussed the global…