50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd,
Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
MON - FRI : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM



TCAS66 Round 2 “Quota”16 Feb-22 Mar 2023 **Major in FINANCE ONLY** Required documents: – Transcript- English proficiency – Portfolio -Photo 1.5*2 inches -A copy of ID card Apply here: https://admission.ku.ac.th/(Don’t forget to register for mytcas https://student.mytcas.com/ before you apply for KU admission) For more information about TCAS66 round 2: https://admission.ku.ac.th/…/66-TCAS2-International… Contact us… Mon-Fri 8.30-16.30 email: inter.bus@ku.th fb: BBAKASETSART website: https://bba.bus.ku.ac.th/ ig: bba_kasetsart line:@520ehqwd tel: +66 2 579 5768 , +66 8 4356 4019

The 2023 BBA Annual Forum

“Are you sure, it isn’t a big party? You can wear casual clothes!” The 2023 BBA Annual Forum at Centara Ladprao was a memorable success. BBA students from all years gathered to celebrate and enjoy the themed night with the BBA committee. Students turned up in their best and the ladies were particularly glamourous. Gifts were exchanged, songs were sung, and the night was partied away. A wonderful night enjoyed by all and congratulations again to the organisers. #BBA KU #ไม่ใหญ่แน่นะวิ


TCAS66 Round 1Until 9 Jan 2023 before 6PM – Transcript/GED – English score – Portfolio Apply here: https://admission.ku.ac.th/(Don’t forget to register for mytcas https://student.mytcas.com/ before you apply for KU admission) For more information contact us… email: inter.bus@ku.th fb: BBAKASETSART website: https://bba.bus.ku.ac.th/ ig: bba_kasetsart line:@520ehqwd tel: +66 2 579 5768 , +66 8 4356 4019

BBA in Singapore!

BBA field trip in Singapore For BBA students Batch 1 During 19-21 Dec 2022 Asst.Prof.Dr.Thamrongsak Svetalekth, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Pattaragit Netiniyom, Asst.Prof.Dr.Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, Dr.Eakapat Manitkajornkit, committees of the program and batch 1 of BBA students. We support students not only in terms of academic sessions but also in terms of gaining knowledge and new experiences from the sightseeing. We went to many places…Monetary of Authority Singapore (Bank of Singapore), National Library, National Gallery Town and City planning and Marina Barrage Water supply management and Flood control) What a wonderful trip Let’s see what’s going to be next trip

Guest speakers from USM

It was our honor to welcome Dr. Gallayanee Yaoyuneyoung from the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) and Mr. Erik Davin Johnson to the KU BBA program. They shared the concept of design thinking, how to write essays and application letter and how to use it with a select group of BBA students. Our students enjoyed the activities. At the conclusion of this event, Dr. Waranpong Booonsiritomachai (Dr. Vick) gifted the KU BBA bag as a souvenir and discussed the exchange program for our students to USM 🇺🇸. We hope to sign an MOU with USM in the coming years.


Congratulations to our BBA KU students who made the final round (last top 8 teams) in the Female Entrepreneur Business Simulation Competition 2022. Over 50 universities from more than 10 countries including Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Romania, Vietnam, India competed and our first year BBA students put on an excellent performance. Next year, this team aspires to take the winning prize back to KU. They will fly to HK to compete, and we wish you the very best in July 2023.

The Principles of Management subject

We have now arrived at the end of the Principles of Management subject. We invited two guest lecturers for the subject – Mr Gerald Lim and Prof. Hiroo Takahashi. Mr. Gerald Lim – medical technology marketing professional from Melbourne Australia shared practical and real world global marketing experience. Prof. Hiroo Takahashi from Japan shared experiences in the Japanese context. We hope BBA students enjoyed this subject and will use knowledge from this subject as foundation for your other subjects and career.

The UK is calling

25 November 2022, BBA KU program invited University of Sussex (UoS) Associate Vice President to visit Kasetsart Business School. Our dean, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sasivimol Meeampol As together with Assoc.Prof.Dr.Bordin Rassameethes and BBA directors (Aj. VICK and Aj. JO) discussed future collaborations between KU and UoS. We are pleased to announce that we now have a final agreement for BBA students to study summer school at UoS in July 2023. Also, the possibility to study one semester at UoS will be approved soon. Let’s fly to the UK, experience studying at the University of Sussex with partially supported scholarships from our BBA program. The UK is calling – BBA students come join.

The RIS Thai College Fair 2022

Nov 2, 2022 BBA INTER KU at the RIS Thai College Fair 2022, to introduce our program for students from international school.

BBA in Busan

Asst.Prof.Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth, director of BBA program and BBA students attended the 8th International Students Start-up Conference at Tongmyong university, Busan South Korea during 30 October to 1 November 2022. Great opportunity for our BBA students to brainstorm and get experience from overseas.