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Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
MON - FRI : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Global Academic Collaboration: Dr. Edmund WUT of Hong Kong Polytechnic University Enlightens Kasetsart University BBA International Program with Key Business Research Methods

On October 29, 2023, Kasetsart University’s BBA International Program hosted a distinguished international guest. Dr. Edmund WUT, a Senior Lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, graced the institution as a visiting international professor. This marked a significant moment in the university’s commitment to fostering a global academic community.

Dr. WUT delivered a series of captivating lectures on “Basic Research Methods in Business: SPSS Introductions” to third-year management and finance major students. His expertise and passion for the subject were evident, leaving a profound impact on the eager learners. Beyond standard lectures, the visit also incorporated practical, hands-on computer laboratory sessions held in the KBS Computer Laboratory. Using the SPSS application, a powerful tool for statistical analysis in social science, the students were guided through real-time data management and analysis. This approach provided them with a practical understanding that goes beyond theoretical knowledge, effectively bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world application.

The successful visit by Dr. WUT is a testament to Kasetsart University’s BBA International Program’s dedication to providing a diverse and enriching learning environment. It underlines the program’s commitment to integrating international experiences into its curriculum, offering students an incredible opportunity for knowledge exchange and academic growth. Indeed, this global academic collaboration not only enriched the students’ learning experience but also fostered a sense of global community within the university. It was an event that truly embodied the spirit of international education, paving the way for more such collaborations in the future.