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Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
MON - FRI : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Bridging Global Academia: Kasetsart University’s Pioneering Collaboration with Renowned Japanese Institutions

On November 8 and 9, 2023, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) International Program from the Faculty of Business Administration at Kasetsart University undertook a pivotal trip to Aoyama Gakuin University and Takushoku University in Japan. This marks a fundamental progression in the establishment of international academic collaborations.

The trip was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, Associate Professor Dr. Sasivimol Meeampol. Other essential members of the Faculty of Business Administration Kasetsart University also joined, including Associate Professor Dr. Bordin Rassameethes, the former Dean and Vice President of Kasetsart University (KU), and Associate Professor Dr. Thamrongsak Svetalekth, the Chairman of the Board of Directors for KU’s BBA International Program and the Associate Dean. Key members of the BBA International program at KU were also part of the group. This includes Associate Professor Dr. Waranpong Boonsiritomachai, the Director and Secretary; Dr. Eakapat Manitkajornkit, another Director; and Mrs. Siwinee Torngkot, a staff member.

In addition, 16 enthusiastic students from the BBA International program participated, adding more energy and excitement to the delegation.

Our trip to Aoyama Gakuin University and Takushoku University signifies a strategic effort to build a strong alliance between our institutions. The goal is to combine our strengths to enrich student learning and advance knowledge in our fields. This collaboration offers students the chance to gain exposure to world-renowned Japanese universities, providing them with crucial global insights. This visit underscores our dedication to offering diverse experiences for our students, molding them into future leaders. It is a crucial step in promoting a more inclusive global academic community.